
Hello everyone, after a long hiatus from blogging I am back today with a very visually stunning game published by BLAM! This game is called Celestia. Celestia is a revamped version of an earlier board game called cloud 9. In this game, Celestia, the players will be taking the role of adventurers boarding an airship to travel across cities and gather treasures. 

Each adventurer will be assigned an airship captain among them and he will fly the airship to traverse different locations in Celestia. It's a matter of trust v.s. greed in this gameplay as the adventurers will decide if they will get off the airship to collect treasures in a certain city or they will go with the captain to continue the journey enable for them to score bigger treasures in a different city. 

In every turn, the role of the captain changes. Each adventurer will have the chance to fly the airship and in every turn that he does, he will be rolling a dice through which he will encounter certain obstacles along the way. He will resolve each encounter by playing a card in his hand to combat the encounter enable for the entire airship to cross another city safely. Failure to resolve the encounter automatically crashes the airship leaving everyone on board with nothing. 

The encounters are represented by 4 symbols in the dice: a thunder, cross swords, an eagle, and a blue cloud. To combat these you need to play a card with the corresponding symbol to negate its effect.

thunder = thunder
blue cloud = blue cloud
eagle = eagle
cross swords = cross swords

As you move along every city the dice that the captain needs to roll increases, thus, making it difficult to combat a lot of obstacles along the way. Your cards will determine your survival. 

The passengers then can decide the ability of the captain to resolve an obstacle and can choose to get off the airship for their own safety just in case the captain fails to resolve an obstacle. Those who get off the ship automatically lands on the current city and takes 1 treasure card from the pile. Each treasure is worth a certain number of points and the player who scores 50 points wins the game! 

Celestia is a very beautiful game in terms of thematic design and each card has a very whimsical artwork that will surely give you that magical feeling. I did enjoy playing this game with my friends and i know you surely will. 

We give this game a 7/10

>Credits to the owners of the photographs. 


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