Moving On and Moving Up. A New Nest for TMTS.
We have been around the boardgaming community for a quite a while now, What started as a casual game with friends ended up being a new found hobby and a handful of collection to our Library of games.
We started out as casual gamers with NO ABSOLUTE IDEA about the kinds of Board games in the market. Like the others, we came to know Monopoly, Chess, or Scrabble to be the typical games that boardgamers play... not until we played One Night Ultimate Werewolf. This game totally changed our perspective about games. It's not exactly a board game but it started from there.
Through this social game we became curious about the different types of games in the market and from there we started exploring more genres of games from the "party type of games" to hardcore games (which are a bit pricey but totally worth every single cent!). It took us a few months to start our little library of games from which we also discovered a new hobby... and it's Blogging.
The idea of blogging started out when we started writing our reviews about the games we have played ourselves. It is really fun and relaxing, writing gives me a form of relief. Hence we decided to make our own FB Page and posted reviews and game unboxings from time to time. Our page "The Midnight Tabletop Society" became our haven of postings as we gathered more games for our personal library. It started out with simple write ups but then covering events also took on our liking, hence the blog started to expand with a wider coverage.
It's pretty hard to explain to normies (normal people who never tried and was never interested about boardgames or any subculture) how fun it is to try Board Games as a hobby probably because just like us, we used to think boardgames seemed "boring" or a form of "social suicide" for interactive people and it will make them recluse home boys. Breaking the stigma of boardgame players is a leap forward, and it paved way into meeting new friends and widening our crowd of gamers. It's a vast world out there and I can tell that people who indulge in boardgames are downright intellectuals and are very sociable people, very different from what normies usually think.
Now, exploring these areas helped me and our team to pursue our passion in blogging even more... hence we decided to give a formal blog spot for our gaming and event adventures. I kinda knew that there will be a time wherein we needed to add more social media platforms in our endeavor and having a place here is a very simple start to what we hope will become a great channel for readers some day.
Our new nest, our 2nd home.
We hope to bring informative content soon as we slowly re-post our write ups on our FB Page here.
Happy Reading!
From all of us at The Midnight Tabletop Society
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